The potential in a seed

Again he (Jesus) said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”

Mark 4:30-32

What I’m reminded and inspired:

  • it’s about the Kingdom of God that Jesus is talking about, not an organised church or a church brand name or denomination
  • His kingdom always looks small, starts small. Almost goes unnoticed and undermined. But there’s huge potential in the seeds (that’s you and I)
  • His kingdom, the seed needs to be PLANTED. There must be laying down of SELF with private sacrifices in order for the seed to take root to start spouting with the life of CHRIST. Too often our focus and pursuit is on the public glories
  • And when His kingdom grows, it grows beyond anyone’s imagination and serves the purpose in being part of the environment and culture to be a blessing where we are enjoyed and not endured; we contribute meaningfully and not just merely consume
  • there are laws of the harvest to pay attention as well. Be the right seed; Plant in the right soil; Be patient with the growth process. It is God who causes growth and naturally will grow; We focus on the planting and watering – private sacrifices of communing with Him and leave the fruits – public glories to Him and for Him

Are you willing to be a seed? To rough it out as you begin small but with the big picture in mind? Not just thinking big and avoiding and undermining the seemingly small things.

Jesus said, “…Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds“.

Being a seed is to die to yourself and allow Christ to be King and His kingdom to be established in your life.

Choose faith, not fear

How does walking by faith looks like?

Recently, I participated in a high elements course. There were a couple of obstacles, but all from about 4-5 storeys high. And I had to cross over with nothing but a safety harness.

In spite of the fact of being secured to a safety harness, many including myself were overwhelmed by the fear of falling from that high place. There were some who were crippled by fear and failed to cross over.

However, once I decided to shift my focus on the fact that I would be safe even if I were to fall, I grew confident and  was able to walk across with ease.

So faith is trusting in Father God as your safety harness. He is faithful and is with you. That is a fact. It’s the truth.

Our God will not leave you nor abandon you (even if you fall!). And whatever the situation you’re in, you can rely on Him and walk through it. He’s got you in His mighty Hand!

Having faith does not mean that there is no fear. Fear is real. So faith works not in the absence of fear, but in the midst of it.

Everyday, choose faith over fear. We have a choice. That’s walking by faith. God is bigger than your fears and He will give you the strength to overcome each one of them.

Finally, if you’re wondering, yes that’s me in the photo. Haha…