His Testimony

Andrew shares his testimony in 2 parts: (1) The past me and (2) The present me. You can either watch the video clip (recorded in 2011) or read his story below.

The PAST me:

My growing up took an adverse turn when my family broke up and leaving me to sought solace, support and a sense of belonging in a gang. Gradually I lost interest in studies and dropped out from secondary school.

I got involved in smoking, alcohol, drugs and fights. And one of those fights (a gang clash) led me to prison where I was sentenced for 30 months and 5 strokes of the cane. I was 18 years old then.

But what was to be my lowest point was to be my turning point.

A miracle happened… God found me in my cell.

In my cell I chanced upon a bible and read the Gospels and was drawn to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Convicted of my wrongs, I decided to repent and received Jesus into my life.

A second miracle happened… God spoke to me in my cell.

God through His word placed in my heart His promise, “You have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you”

Matthew 17:20

That spoken (rhemma) word from Him gave me the courage to appeal my case, which was something absurd to do humanly speaking. However, God proved Himself true and faithful.

I was released two months later after my appeal was heard. My sentence was drastically shortened to a mere 9 months. And the 5 strokes of the cane was thrown out!


My new life with Christ has really been a ride due mainly to the fact that I am incorrigible. But He has always been unconditionally patient with me all the time, and His belief in me has been my pillar in living out a full life that is not inhibited by my past and my sins.

Today the miracles still continue as I am growing as a person; having the capacity to love, trust and give, these qualities of which I had never wholly experienced when living in this ‘sick, corrupt and dark’ world of ours. He also gave me power and freedom over my vices and addictions. I no longer need to smoke or do drugs.

Incidentally, He had led me back to my studies some years ago and had played the main role as my motivator in my long climb up the academic ladder towards attaining a Bachelor’s Degree in 2007.

Even wounds between me and my family members had been healed and incredibly, each one has been saved, extending even to my step-family!

I am truly amazed by God’s love for me and what He has done for me. And I believe that He is the Hope of the world. If He can do it for me, He can do it for anyone.

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptence: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who believe on Him and receive eternal life”

1 Timothy 1:15-16

Tody, Andrew has also made it his life mission to change the negative perception that ex-offenders have of themselves, and also to change the public’s stereotypical perception towards ex-offenders. He strongly believes that there is so much more ex-offenders can offer and achieve in their lives if given a chance and having the belief that they are worthy of a chance. 

Aside from serving on the board of Architects of Life to fulfill his mission, he is co-founder of Break the Cycle in which he involves our local community of cyclists to support ex-offenders in breaking the cycle of recidivism through cycling. He is also co-founder of Chance, a brand agency set up with the purpose to train and hire ex-offenders for the creative industry. For his exemplary life and service to others, he was conferred with the “Outstanding Adult” of the Singapore Silent Heroes Award 2020

41 thoughts on “His Testimony

  1. that is a beautiful testimony… its great to read another christian’s life and how God works in his life. keep on running the race.

  2. Thank God for you. Being one who is earnest and transparent exhibits the attributes of Christ-likeness through Him Who has transformed you magnificently. I still remember the first time when we got to know each other.

    Being skeptical and confident, I was reading a book titled ‘Bread of Life’ and I sat right beside you. That book was about Catholicism. Yet you extended cordiality and shared your story with me, even when I was just a stranger.

    Let us keep on keeping on… and encourage one another until the race is finished 🙂

  3. Man thats an awesome testimony you have there… there are so many miracles there, and I’m encouraged by your witness to your family… gives me even more hope that God will bring my fiancee’s family into His courts.

    keep up the good work brother!
    God bless

  4. amazing testimony to God’s mercy! keep on doing what nobody else can do…given the unique position God has place you in :0)and er…also the DJ voice? ha ha ha…

  5. AWESOME testimony, Andrew! Jesus holds the ultimate yellow ribbon for all of us. Keep sharing your testimony. It’s an inspiration to many, I’m sure.

  6. that testimony blew away! i guess anyone would be. that’s awesome and i believe that will draw more believers to Christ! Blessings! I’m from the same church too 🙂 but at Hope Filipino. Stumbled at your blog from a link somewhere

  7. Wow… thanks so much bro, for sharing this testimony. It’s a VERY very very encouraging and touching testimony! Can’t stop smiling as I read ur testimony, bro. 🙂 It inspires me too to really live to my max for Jesus! Thank God for you bro!

    (And Gerald: yes, Jesus holds the ultimate yellow ribbon! :D)

  8. Hi bro, Indeed God is great, Continue to be a living testimony to the people around you. You have a wonderful story to share. Anyway Im from Hope Filipino church.

  9. That’s a really nice and sweet testimony. God is indeed amazing.

    Thanks for sharing and let us continue to be a witness of God.

    God bless 😀

  10. you have started your Christian life well. Praise God. may you finish well too, for God is the “author and finisher of our faith”, and “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11)

    God bless you my fellow TOC writer. 🙂

  11. Brother,
    It has always been encouraging to hear from you. Again, you gave me a stronger conviction to be a “Fisher of Man” for Him. Your presence, teaching and true love have touched us here so much. God will surely refresh you (Proverbs 11:25)
    By the way, could you make us a banner with cool design for JC the next time you visit?
    In Him,

  12. Bro,
    you rock the boat.
    Well, lets just say we cant see all that from you in the army. (If I didn’t read your blog, I wouldn’t have known you been such a mess in the past)
    So, if we wacked your left check, would you offer your right?
    Hahaha. just jokin.

  13. brother, its not how hard you HIT,
    Its how hard you GET HIT,
    How much you can take,
    And you move forward.

    you are one guy on earth, i knew you for three years, thing is really happening for you. the lord bring us together for a purpose. everytime your silence brought me to think. why you are such fool that you don care for people. but my brother, thru the lord our God, i knew you are a good person. not because i see your blog, you know i knew you through my heart. you are one brother i cannot afford to lose. i feel you sometime , but sometime not. Take Care always

    In Him
    Jack the warrior

  14. Andrew – you’re special.

    You were one part my inspiration for being able to complete my own degree despite my own demons.

    May you always be that torch in others’ lives when they falter and fear.

    I thank the Lord for you as my team-mate. I’ve learned a lot more from you than I could ever learn from books …

  15. It’s encouraging. Let’s continue to love, trust and give, while living in this ’sick, corrupt and dark’ world.

    Being confident of this very thing, that HE which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Phi1.6

  16. Thanks for sharing your story here. How did you run across my blog? I’m going to have to start dropping by and reading yours and hope you’ll do the same with mine. Who knows, maybe I’ll even visit Singapore some day!

  17. COOL TESTI . you insipire me alot. your story is one i have never seen or heard, coz i am young. but with it, you have spread the love of god to even more people. as i am now even more in doing god’s work

    people whose’s name kelvin Rock!

  18. alleluia! Praise be the Lord. God really works in miracles. Your story is very inspirational. I hope more people will be able to read it especially those who have lost hope. This shows that if you put God in the center of your life you will not go wrong. God bless you.

  19. Hi Andrew!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog!:)

    Your life testimony is really powerful! Reminds me of The Heavenly Man!

    May our Almighty God continue lead you to accomplish greater things for Him!

    Cya ard!

  20. Hi Andrew Ong

    God has touched the gentle heart in you.

    Life may be full of uncertainties, in Him, challenges make a man to be useful, meaningful and purposeful for His glory.

    Keep up your path with Him always.

    I am glad to have met you during my stint as Acting Director – Research and Corporate Communication, little I knew of your past and reformed self till now. Certainly you are a transformed person from your past Kelvin.

    I am sure you will develop into a stronger, thoughtful and useful man to your family, society and His Kingdom.

    Warmest regards

  21. Hi Andrew, that’s so nice and touching the testimony of yours is to everybody. Keep on going, and thanks again for visiting us 😉

  22. Hi Bro,

    God’s hands are never too short abd He will never forget you even leaving the 99 sheep going after You.

    He has brought you this far and will not let you down. The clouds has passed and behold a new dawn begins. May His light and countenance fall upon you.

  23. Andrew-
    Thanks for the words you shared…I hope that God continues to Bless your life as you walk through life.

  24. Dear Andrew,

    I’ve come to know your blog through the email that Stephen just sent (about the workplace prayer), so out of curiousity I checked out your blog.

    Yours is a very encouraging testimony I’d read. I’ve also browsed through your blog and I gave thanks to God for your desire to learn His Word and grow in Christ. What an amazing grace that transforms us all! Hope to keep in touch with you. Thank you for sharing your story.

  25. I am having trouble accepting that Christ is Son of God and is to be worshipped as such.

    I am doing research on how Christians deal with the Holy Trinity and wonder which category you come under, ie

    (a) accepting and unquestioning

    (b) steadfastly refusing to question the logic of it because it is a can of worms

    (c) not particularly bothered whether Christ is Son of God or not and just enjoying your new life as a Christian

  26. Andromeda:

    Do you have a (d) for- None of the above??? =p

    I have no qualms in accepting the divine God-head three in one: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    I am convinced by scriptural revelation and personal encounters which enable me to recognise the existence of the Holy Trinity.

    I am confident that you will discover the truth yourself as you seek Him with an open mind and heart.

    Please feel free to reach me via email if you like to ask me more questions. I would be glad to help in any way =)

  27. Thank you for sharing your story. It takes a lot of chutzpah (guts, nerve) to admit one’s mistakes. I personally believe it’s also how we show YHWH that we are truly repentant.

    Although I disagree with some of your beliefs, I hope you will continue in your mission. As time draws closer we need people to stand firm on their faith and put the Father above all else.


  28. Hi Andrew,
    You’ve got such a wonderful life transforming testimony to share to all pre-Christians. God has certainly touched you in a very special way & is using you to share His love and amazing grace to many others. Love to meet up with you for a cup of coffee if you’re still in Perth. God bless you abundantly.

  29. Hello Brother,

    Thank God for such an encouraging testimony. It certainly reminds me of what we yearn to do to glory HIM alone.

    Thank you brother 🙂

  30. Andrew, praise God for your story, HIS story,of redeeming grace and forgiveness. Doing life with Him…I love that phrase!

    Pastor Joe Pursch
    Sacramento CA

  31. thanksfor the encouragement!

    and inspiration thru’ ur testimony that i see light even for the difficult kids that im dealing with… =)

  32. I knew you since our secondary days, that makes me a good witness of your transformation. The Kelvin I once knew has gone, I have a new brother Andrew. Your video drove me to tears. Im so touched by HIS grace. Keep it up bro…

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