Don’t Forget to Visit Your Pit-stop

With all the media buzz surrounding the first Singapore’s Formula One (F1) race that is slated to roll next year, the whole world will be anticipating for this premier event.

Not only will it be the first F1 race to be held in Singapore, this would also be the first time these sophisticated race cars will be pitting each other in the night.

F1 Grand Prix Cars 

F1The BeautifulThe highlight of the F1 race are indefinitely those beautiful fast cars.

But though some might argue that the entourage of beautiful girls are also the main draw. Ha ha…

Back to the cars. These cars are built with cutting edge technology that enables them to produce an unprecedented combination of outright speed and quickness for the drivers.

According to Wikipedia, “every F1 car on the grid is capable of going from 0 to 160 km/h and back to 0 in less than five seconds.”

The pit-stop in a race

In a race, as fast as these cars may be, the pit-stop plays an important factor in winning a race. Cars need to visit the pit-stop primarily for refuelling and changeing of tires.

Without a proper pit-stop strategy where planned pit-stops are scheduled during the race- taking into account factors such as rate of fuel consumption, weight of fuel, cornering speed with each available tire compound, rate of tire wear, the effect of tire wear on cornering speed, the length of pit road and the track’s pit road speed limit, and even expected changes in weather and lighting conditions- this would greatly affect the chances of winning a race.

Imagine if the tires wears off or the shortage of fuel while driving, the car might skid of the track or get cut off from the race.

Having a pit-stop strategy

The pitstopLike these cars in the F1 Race, we too are in a race called LIFE with our walk with God. Like these cars, we too go pretty much at a fast pace in order to reach our goals and excel or maybe to meet the demands and expectations.

However, do we adopt a “pit-stop strategy” in our own lives?

If we’re feeling drained and tired or bogged down with unforgiveness or hurts, don’t forget to visit your “pit-stop” for His refreshment for our souls and alignment of our hearts with His will.  

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest~ Matthew 11:28

A planned “pit-stop strategy” might just what we need to keep on track and to keep us going till the end of the race.

God is our sustenance. 

Living Above Reproach for Christ

With the spate of scandals that we see coming to light everyday in the media, we can observe that the world is paying close attention to accountability of organisations and their leaders.

Nonetheless, we know that accountability is not something that is easy to do or adopted even though we see its importance.

As for me, being brought up in a family background where my parents were mostly not around and at work, I was pretty much left to do what I wanted to do as I liked. And many of those things I did then, landed me into trouble.

At 14, I gained even more independence after my parents divorced, so I can say I grew up with almost no understanding or practise of accountability.

Me, I and myself 

AccountabilityI was a lone ranger. I did what I like and I did it my way whenever I feel like it. And the result was my chequered past.

Initially when I committed my life to Christ and the Church, I really detested having to be accountable as I felt a loss of freedom to do what I wanted to do. Being accountable seemed to create alot of “red tapes” for me to just get something done.

But eventually I discovered how impatient and impulsive I was. And being biblically accountable to God and His appointed leaders, actually helped me to be rational and not reactive in my circumstances.

This helped me practise in trusting God more for His counsel rather than doing what I thought/felt was right but regretting my actions thereafter.

Therefore, I learnt that true freedom wasn’t about being able to do as I please but in fact, true freedom is being able to do what is right even at a wrong time.

Us, we and ourselves

Gradually as I grew closer with God, I realised that my every action actually affected not only those around me, but also God. For instance when I sinned deliberately, God would be grieved or hurt cos I disobeyed. But the beauty was that He still loved me, and not condemned me.

Knowing this truth and experiencing His grace, it compelled me to do what would only please God. It was no longer just about me, I and myself.

The Body inter-connectedNow it was about us, we and ourselves. My motivation is to see God smile. And for Him to wear an even bigger smile is to see His Church united in love, trust and in truth.

As we grow older, I think it gets increasingly more difficult to be accountable. This is because we will inherently think we are matured/wise/smart/experienced enough to handle things ourselves without the counsel of other people or even God. And this is very much linked to our prideful nature.

The accountability factor 

I’ve learnt that being accountable is actually being wise and not foolish.

Not only do we avoid unnecessary trouble that will destroy what we might have built over the years with our momentarily slip-ups, we are also able to be true to ourselves and live a life of integrity without needing to be hiding or ashamed.

Though I am not perfect, I am glad and relieve that I can be truthful about it to God and others whom I trust so that I can be real and be covered of my “blind spots” and areas of weakness.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me- Galatians 2:20

Avoiding the fall from grace

Just take at what we read from the news: a primary school teacher who’s married with children got caught shoplifting; politicians and pastors of churches caught in sex scandals; T T Durai’s fall from glory over the NKF fiasco; corporate leaders caught embezzling.

These are all real life cases from which we can learn and avoid repeating their mistakes in our own lives. Therefore, being accountable pays off.

And more importantly, with the world watching us Christians’ every word and action, it is imperative that we (leaders or followers) live above reproach so that the good news can be spread effectively for Jesus.

My Niece Turns Six!

I was glad that I could spent some time with my niece, Jacklyn on her 6-year old birthday.

She is the eldest among the grandchildren. 

Me and my princess

In view of my family’s present state, I really appreciate family moments like this where we get to feel like a family.

My prayer is that God’s power and love will increase evidently in spite of the divide within my family through our unique unity as a family of Christ.

They say, “Blood is thicker than water, but the Spirit run deeper than blood” 

I believe.

The Emerging Threats to The Church

Lately, there has been much controversy over the upcoming movie- The Golden Compass, based on a fantasy novel by Philip Pullman who is a self-declared athesist.

He is well-quoted for his great disdain of God and the Christian faith. In support of his contention, Pullman was quoted in one interview saying: “I’m trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.”

The truth always stands

The Golden CompassPersonally, I do not have much comments on either Pullman’s views on God or his movie as everyone is entitled to his/her views just as much we would expect others to respect our Christian views or beliefs.

End of the day, it is not about who’s right or wrong (though we believe in one Truth) but it is about God and winning people over to Him by washing people’s feet and not “bible bashing”, just as Jesus did.

Without a doubt, I am sure all this controversy is generated just to create buzz for the movie in order to hit box office numbers.

In any case, this movie actually works for the Christian faith as it creates opportunity for us to share what is truth to the curious minds.

The real emerging threats

Just when we think that the “enemies” that threathens the Christian faith are from the outside, but in true fact, the real threats are from within.

I have observed that today’s contemporary Church faces two serious “threats” that are emerging and eroding the core foundation of the Christian faith. They are the acceptance of homosexuality as biblically right and the prosperity gospel.

(1) Homosexuality:

The recent attempts of re-appealing against 377A were clear indications of what the Church can expect in the near future.

If you didn’t follow the news, you may view an Al Jazeera TV news report here>>> 

Already in some parts of the world, same-sex marriages are accepted and made legal. And slowly and surely, homosexuality gaining more entry into the Church.

Some time ago, Tim Flemming published a new bible which adds a new law that embraces homosexuality as biblical. And it is made available for free download.

In Singapore, Free Community Church openly declares its acceptance of homosexuality as shown below:

The FREE COMMUNITY CHURCH affirms that all individuals are persons of sacred worth and created in God’s image. Given the discrimination that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) persons still face in society, our Church affirms that same-sex relationships are consistent with Christian faith and teachings, when lived out in accord with the love commandments of Jesus. Instead, it is discrimination based on sexual orientation and homophobia that are inconsistent with Christian teachings. We welcome all LGBT persons to our family.

Thankfully, this remains marginalised from mainstream Christianity as it is outright clear that homosexuality is unbiblical.

And the biblical stand remains: Hate the sin and love the sinner.

(2) Prosperity Gospel:

Prosperity GospelHowever the same can’t be said of the prosperity gospel as it seeps mainly into our mainstream, which is even more dangerous as it invades the minds and hearts of our majority.

Moreover so, the message is subtle and is packaged in such a rational manner that it is not that easy to detect what is exactly unbiblical.

From my previous entry on this topic, today’s preachers proclaim that poverty is a curse, and that Jesus came to break that curse with support of selected scriptures to convince their audiences.

Firstly, poverty is not a curse. Poverty is the consequence of the hoarding of wealth in the world from the poor. It is NOT a curse.

If we recall Job from the bible, he did not spiral down towards poverty because he was cursed. In fact, he was found to be righteous in the eyes of God and his poverty and poor health were actually tests laid before him. And of cos, Job passed those tests with flying colours.

What about Mother Theresa? Was she cursed? I think not. She chose to be poor, but yet she was equally effective in serving the poor.

Secondly, Jesus did not come to free people from poverty. If He did, He would have been born in a tycoon family and be a rich man’s son. But instead, he was a carpenter. And in one of satan’s temptations, He would have accepted satan’s offer for all the world’s riches and gave it to us if that was really true. But He didn’t.

Jesus came and went to the cross. His purpose was to redeem us from our sins not poverty; that we may have eternal life.

Keep watch, be on our guard

With our government always fixed on economic prosperity with our nation’s GDP, and the ocassional challenge for us to work hard and gain financial security, this message of prosperity taps on our” 5 Cs” culture. And if a preacher comes along and says, “God wants you to be rich,” is quite appealing.

Even most multi-level marketing (MLM) organisations practise this. Their leaders would motivate their team to strike it rich first in order to gain financial freedom. And with that freedom, you can help others with your money by donating to the poor and build schools or hospitals etc…

As most of us develop our Christianity along the lines of our nature and not along the lines of God’s nature, therefore we need to be watchful not to follow the drum beat of our culture about the goodness of personal wealth and material prosperity.

Instead, we need to be rooted in His word and advocate a theology of stewardship which puts other people’s necessities before our own luxuries. We also need to simplify our lifestyles and get a clear grasp on God’s priorities including His special concern for the poor and destitute of the world.

Even if we aim to succeed in the marketplace, it should be aligned with a motivation of wanting to be an influence to others for God, and not for worldy wealth.

If our position of influence provides access to wealth, then it is God who blesses us in order that we can be a blessing to others for His kingdom and not for self-indulgence.

Pastors Under Probe for Lavish Lifestyles

15 November 2007
The Straits Times 

They are accused of spending donations on items like private jets and mansions.

Mr Roberts boarding a plane for New York to appear on the Larry King Live Show last week to answer allegations against him in a lawsuit. His ministry is one of those under investigation. -- PHOTO: APATLANTA – TELEVANGELIST leaders at several mega-churches in the United States have come under scrutiny following accusations that they have used donations illegally to fund opulent lifestyles.

A Senate committee is investigating leaders from six ministries, including Mr Creflo Dollar, the senior pastor of World Changers Church International, who preaches that God will reward the faithful with material riches.

It is a gospel that has won him a 25,000-strong congregation – and a Rolls Royce, a mansion and a private Gulfstream jet.

In a separate case, Mr Richard Roberts, president of the evangelical Oral Roberts University (ORU), is facing similar accusations of living lavishly on misspent university funds…… (continued)

Read more here>>>

My Doodling:

Check out this site- Young Foundation and PLEASE listen to the clip! Its a MUST!

Give this 12-year old kid’s testimony on live radio a minute. Those wise words coming from a kid can either cause us adults to be either amazed or ashamed =P 

Pushing My Limits

Finished RunFulfilled one of my resolutions for 2007 in participating in this year’s Standard Chartered Run on 2 December!

Yeah!!! Cos I hate running and just had to push my limits.

Woke up late that morning and was about to give up, but these words sprung me out from my bed- All Things Are Possible (with Him)!

Completed my 10km run and walk in 1 hour 34 minutes. CMI…

Oh… Did I mention that my legs are still aching from my walk run??? =P 

Next year, my aim is to complete the same run within an hour. And this time, I will surely be training to get prepared for it.

My life-time goal: To run a full marathon at least once.